Benefits for Organisations
Helping you improve your cyber security risk management programs through improved levels of competence.
Understanding the cyber security landscape, routes into the profession and, increasingly, how to develop within the profession can be challenging. We have taken the guesswork out of cyber workforce development and have created educational programs designed to provide organisations with the knowledge and skills required to enable cyber security risk management programs to succeed.
Like you, we are focussed on outcomes -- namely enhanced staff competence leading to improved management of cyber risk.
All programs, at both entry level and practitioner level have been designed with national and international cyber security workforce development programs in mind, in particular the UK Cyber Security Council 16 Cyber Security Specialisms. CySec Professionals Ltd is a proud member of the UK Cyber Security Council.
Educational content, courses and mentoring develops core competencies (knowledge, skills and attributes) for both new and existing team members, across the 16 identified Specialisms.
Our workforce programs are a cost effective option to rapidly increase workforce competence, aligned to national and international workforce development programs, and help drive consistency across organisational cyber security risk management programs.